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Image by Sven Wilhelm

Tree & Bush


Gantec’s Biodapt® technology improves conditions for optimal growth and quality in fruit and bush crops. The highly available and effective products help maximize positive outcomes in a variety of settings and challenges. 


  • Cost-effective and easy to apply with existing chemicals and fertilizers

  • Increased nutrient uptake, particularly of key nutrients such as calcium, boron, and manganese

  • Corresponding reduction in nutrient deficiencies and related disorders

  • Enhanced conditions to maximize both yield and quality

  • Elevated performance in stressful temperature and moisture condition


Please note, application information below is intended as a general guide only.

For more detailed application information contact your Gantec fertilizer representative or agronomist.

TB - Apples
Apple of branch covered in dew


Recommended Product

Nutriforge™ Calcium Max / GantecPro 1-0-0

Use Rate

1 - 2 quarts

# of Applications

5 - 8

Frequency & Timing

For best results, apply foliar Nutriforge Calcium Max

at 1-2 quarts per acre, starting with pre and post bud applications, then every 2-4 weeks until just before harvest. Where calcium is not deficient, substitute GantecPro 1-0-0 at 1-2 pints per acre.


Up to 95% reductions in bitter pit incidence vs standard calcium treatments, and typically under 5% total bitter pit loss in treated stands 


 Improved calcium and boron uptake documented in both leaf and sap testings

multiple trials in the midwest

and the pacific northwest 

TB - Blueberries
Close up of blueberry bush


Recommended Product

GantecPro 1-0-0 / Nutriforge™ Calcium Max

Use Rate

1 - 2 pints

# of Applications

4 - 6

Frequency & Timing

For best results, apply foliar GantecPro 1-0-0 at 1-2 pints per acre, starting at green tip and then every 2-4 weeks through 50% ripe fruit. For Florida applications, make 1-2 sprays in fall before dormancy and 2-4 sprays starting in mid to late January. For calcium deficient situations, substitute Nutriforge Calcium Max at same rates.


14% increase in brix & 

15% increase in calcium uptake

five foliar sprays

- Michigan Blueberry Growers Association trial - 


 36% increase in late season marketable fruit 

- Michigan State University Trial -

TB - Citrus
Orange fruit on tree


Recommended Product

GantecPro™ 1-0-0

Use Rate

1 quart

# of Applications

4 - 6

Frequency & Timing

For best results, apply foliar GantecPro 1-0-0 at 1 quart per acre 4-6 times throughout the growing season, spaced at least 4 weeks apart. 


29% increase in

Valencia orange yield 

foliar applications over two years

- Independent trial - 


 20% increase in Minneola yield 

foliar applications

TB - Grapes
Grapes on the vine


Recommended Product

GantecPro 1-0-0 / Nutriforge™ Calcium Max

Use Rate

1 - 2 pints

# of Applications

5 - 8

Frequency & Timing

For best results, apply foliar GantecPro 1-0-0 at 1-2 pints per acre, starting at pre-bloom and continuing every 1-3 weeks until the start of harvest. For calcium deficient situations, substitute Nutriforge Calcium Max at same rates.


20% increase in yield following

heavy frost winters in Michigan 


Significant increases in uptake

of calcium and boron

with foliar applications of Nutriforge Calcium Max

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